I feel as though I'm on a huge learning curve. For instance, today at work, I learned that no matter how hard you try, you can't mop up mouse poo. I'm not someone who gives up quickly either. I tried and tried, but in the end I had to grab a kleenex and pick up the offending little turd.
I am also learning a lot about what I can and cannot do now that I'm knocked up. I'm getting pretty hefty these days. It's a little disconcerting. I'd love to be more active, but my doctor assures me that things will level out eventually, and worrying about it won't do any of us any good. So, I wait. At least I have something awesome to do while I wait. Our little baby's kicks are getting better everyday. What a miracle.
I'm learning that our little dog had a huge impact on our little family until she died a few weeks ago. She was an amazing creature with the most fascinating habits. I'm learning that grief comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. It can change from minute to minute.
Those are some things I'm learning. I wish this curve was a little more gradual.
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